Tonight some of the "baye falls" or "baay faals" (a branch of the Mourides, the people who go to Touba) came to visit my family and pray before heading out. They all had rastas (or dreadlocks) - and some of the most impressive ones I have ever seen. While they generally keep them wound up and under a hat so you can't tell, one man had rastas all the way to the ground!
They gave me a giant patchwork t-shirt to wear, gave me a mouride name ("Mamsé") and insisted that I come with them to Touba.
I laughed at the invitation and went along with it for a bit, only later to explain that I couldn't because of classes. When the grandmother started to lecture, inisisting that I could not go, I replied with an "I know, I know" attitude.
But in reality...
I would love to go someday.
Earlier today I took a trip around Dakar with the university to check out the city. I took lots of nice photos and feel content to say that I am living in a truly beautiful place.
My cousin Aicha who is living with us is by far my best Senegalese friend at the moment. She is 12 years old but she loves talking! Whether she is offering me (or forcing me) to have a bite of whatever she is eating or asking my advice on how best to dress the supermodels on a computer game, she never fails to give me something to do. Tomorrow we have a date set to paint our fingernails with the one bottle of fingernail polish I brought with me... skintone.
If I get a chance to go by a store, I can think of a lot more exciting colors she would love.
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